Graag geven wij u meer informatie over de auto's , evenals een prijsidee , echter enkel in persoon of via telefoon !
SMS of Emails met prijsaanvragen worden als niet ernstig aanzien en niet op gereageerd.

We love to give you more information about are cars , as well as a price idea , but only in person or by phone !
SMS or emails with price applications are seen as not serious and will not get a response !
It all started at the age of 18 , when I got my drivers license , and bought my first beetle .
How it all began ....D.

My second beetle was a 1303 super beetle that I gave sportwheels , Cibie oscar rally lights , and a " jet pipe" exhaust .

My first " kevermeeting" in Schellebele - Belgium with my , at that time already 4th beetle I owned .

My 1967 beetle , and 1972 bus , the first cars I took to VW Action and Santa Pod in England
One of the first beetle convertible I bought in California , a 1979 riverblue metallic superbeetle .